Assalamualaikum semua,
Hari ni baru lah sempat nak update blog. Weekend busy(apa yang busy sangat aku pun tak tahu..bahaha) pastu semalam macam biasa la kan..baru masuk kerja lepas new year adalah few reports need to be done. Tapi don't worry semuanya ahkak da settle kan.Hihihi.
As per post's title, ahkak nak review pasal official photog. For your info, OP is the first vendor yang ahkak book date. Why??Sebab tau-tau jelah photog ni, dia punyer schedule sama macam bridal, kalau lambat memang menangis. Especially yang bagus-bagus kan. Bagi ahkak, photog sangat-sangatla penting dalam sesuatu majlis especially wedding sebab diorang nih yang akan bertanggungjawab untuk kita menyimpan kenangan selama-lamanya. SELAMA-LAMANYA okeh! hehe
Ahkak book photog ni almost 7 months before the wedding. Haaaa awal giler takk??hehe. Ahkak memang peminat Kudegraphy(paling minat), CST(of course la kan), Foto by Razali, Mukhris & Udey Latif, Peveyheck and Ministry of Moment. Just to name a few la. Ini antara photog2 yang ada team besar. Maksudnya diorang ada ramai photographer yang boleh buat kerja dan pada masa yang sama mengekalkan identiti masing-masing.
Ahkak memang ada PM diorang semua dekat facebook tanya harga except for Foto by Razali sebab dia dah letak dalam blog dia tarikh yang dia available dan tak available, but I ended up email dia jugak. Tehehe.
Tips to ask photog :
1) You MUST ask about their availability on your date. It's useless you asked about the price first and say lah you ok with the price but suddenly they are not available on your wedding date. That is why it is important to stick to your wedding date unless emergency happen.
2) When you ask them to quote you the price , you have to give some basic info like a)how many events you're having b)where is the event going to be held and c)any extra charges.
3) Usually, if the photogs have some kind of promotion, they will have some terms and conditions. Like pay 50% - 80% depo. Usually, the big names are very professional, so don't worry they won't cheat your money. InsyaAllah.This is their reputation and periuk nasi.
4) If you have the time(if you don't have, find it!haha), heads up to their office and see some samples. This is VERY-VERY IMPORTANT because what you see in Facebook/Blog/Instagram is not going to be the same with the physical album. Take a look at the samples, feel and touch with your own hand. Then you know their quality.
5) Ask about what the package is all about. What they cover and what they did not cover. You don't want to make your own assumptions as it might differs from what you expecting. When discussing, ask about other possibilities. You'll never know what you will get. :)
6) For couple that want to hire KL based photographer but your event will be held at your hometown say Kuala Terengganu, clarify on the Mileage and Accomodation and other chargers for the photographers. If you can't afford to pay the Mileage and Accomodation,(it can be costly but still depends on you) you can find photographers from your hometown.
You want to take professional photographer on your big day because :
1) InsyaAllah, there will be no hanky panky. All straight to the point. Customer satisfaction comes first for them.
2) They are professional. They know their job. It's not like you can rely 100% but probably the basic things they can do. But still you have to give direction in what you want on your big day.
So, there you are. The tips that I can share with you.
I will write about my OP in Part 2. Things that happened on my Big Day. :)
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